Why your students must see Learn2Live...

Every year unacceptable numbers of Devon, Somerset and Cornwall's young people aged between 16 and 24 are involved in road traffic collisions compared to the numbers for other age groups. Over the past five years young drivers in Devon and Cornwall have been involved in over 4,800 collisions - this represents 25% of all collisions despite young drivers only representing around 7% of licence holders.

According to the World Health Organisation road traffic collisions are the single biggest cause of death for young people (Aged 15 - 29 years) worldwide. Many young drivers will have a collision within the first six months of passing their test.  

Up to 2020 Learn2Live was a 90 minute theatre style presentation for large audiences of year 12 and sometimes year 13 students in Devon. The presentation was based on testimonials from 999 workers and members of the public who told stories of an RTC they had had personal or professional experience of, which invovled young people.

In 2020 in response to Covid19 all our L2L events went virtual reaching over 12000 key stage 5 students in Devon, Cornwall and Somerset.

L2L has been, over the years,  academically evaluated by Plymouth University and Exeter University and most recently the RAC Foundation and Cranfield University. We have taken pride in always responding to all research and feedback and as a result L2L has been an organic intervention, constantly reflecting the best practice available at the time. For 2023 our Learn2Live events will reflect the findings from this latest national research so that we can be confident that our approach and our content has the best possible effects on behaviour in the students that take part. 

For booking onto a Learn2Live event please email annabellepriest@dsfire.gov.uk