Calling all parents in Devon

1st May, 2015

The Learn2Live partnership are very excited to announce that they will be running a special Learn2Live event especially for parents. The event will be held in the evening on Wednesday 17th June 2015 at the Watermark Centre, Ivybridge. The idea for the event is to give parents the opportunity to hear the lifesaving messages that we share each year with sixth form students. Anyone attending the event will hear from road safety and emergency services professionals about the ways they can reduce the risk and keep their children safe. Parents can book now.


Learn2Live are proud to announce that we will be hosting a special Parent's event on 17th June in Ivybridge, Devon at the Watermark Centre. If you are a parent of a 16-19 year old then this is something that you have to attend.


Emergency service and road safety professionals will tell you what you need to know to reduce the chances of your child becoming involved in a vehicle crash. The event is completely FREE to attend but you must book in advance either using our online booking form or by signing up with one of our official promotion members.