Learn2Live season starts

26th September, 2016

The annual Learn2Live events start this week with the first presentation being held at Princess Pavilions in Falmouth. Over the next couple of months thousands of sixth form colleges will be attending events throughout Devon and Cornwall and hearing firsthand about the massive impact that road traffic collisions have on our region.

Students will hear real life accounts from members of the emergency services about their experiences of attending specific incidents in recent years. Brave family speakers will then take to the stage to tell their highly emotional story of how their lives have been changed by road crashes. Students will learn what they can do to reduce their risk on the roads and in particular they will be empowered to take control and make safe and responsible choices.

Learn2Live is offered to all sixth form schools and colleges - anyone wishing to book onto an event or find out more about the Learn2LIve Partnership can look on the website or contact the team here.