Young people make pledge that will keep them safer on Devon's roads.

12th February, 2016

The Learn2Live team have been visiting schools and colleges throughout Devon over the past few months to deliver an interactive road safety presentation. The Learn2Live Question Time sessions are a follow up to the main Learn2Live Autumn events  that are seen by thousands of sixth form students throughout Devon and Cornwall. The aim of these one hour sessions is to remind students about  how they felt during the main presentations and to then provide practical information that students can use to keep themselves safe when they are embarking on their driving career or travelling with friends who have recently passed their test.


Feedback from schools who have received the Learn2Live Question Time sessions has been fantastic. It is great to see that students remember the central messages from the autumn presentation as this provides them with a solid foundation to then introduce some really practical road safety advice that will help them to make safer decisions in the future.


This is the third year that the Learn2Live team have offered the follow up sessions to schools and we have seen a huge increase in take up. Road Traffic Collisions account for the largest number of deaths for 16-24 years olds in the UK. It is great to see that schools are therefore recognising the importance of road safety and making time in the busy curriculum to expose their students to this life saving information.


Schools wishing to sign up to Learn2Live Question Time sessions will be able to make bookings when they book onto the main Learn2LIve Autumn events later in the year.